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Four Things to Consider for Your FinTech Website: How to Optimise Your Engagement 

Are your analytics telling you that users only spend a few seconds on your website? It may be disappointing to see, but there are important aspects you need to take into consideration when structuring your site to optimise your user engagement. According to a survey by Databox, visitors generally spend just about one and a half minutes on a page before clicking away. With such a limited window, it’s essential to design your website to be as engaging and user-friendly as possible to make the most of every visit. Your website is often the first point of contact future clients will have with your brand - a well-structured, user-friendly website can significantly enhance your brand’s credibility, amplify your message and prompt visitors to seek out your services. In this blog, we’ll explore four things to consider when structuring your B2B FinTech website to encourage user engagement.


1.     Clear and Intuitive Navigation

Clear navigation enhances user experience and usability by helping visitors find the information they are looking for quickly and easily, which is crucial in getting them to stay on the site. If finding your services page is like finding a needle in a haystack, your website visitors will not want to stick around.

  • Simplified Menu Structure: Organise your menu to be straightforward and easy to understand.
  • Logical Categorisation: Make sure content is organised in a logical way for ease of navigation.
  • Sticky Navigation Bar: A sticky navigation bar is a fixed navigation menu on a webpage that remains in the same position as the user scrolls down and moves around a site. Implementing this keeps the main navigation accessible as users scroll down the page.
  • Use of Mega Menus:  A mega menu is an expandable menu that displays navigation options to site visitors in a large, rectangular group. Used for more detailed options, mega menus can help users navigate your site without feeling overwhelmed.


2.     User-Centric Content

Engaging, informative content that is easy to digest helps to educate prospective clients about your services and to build a strong brand presence. Focusing on user-centric content can be a major differentiating factor for your brand and provides the opportunity to showcase your services and products as the ultimate solution to a client’s pain point. 

  • Clear Product Descriptions: Use concise language and visuals to explain your services – drop the technical jargon and talk about how your services can alleviate your clients’ problems.
  • Case Studies and Whitepapers: Provide detailed analyses of successful projects and in-depth discussions on complex topics. Real-world examples showcasing your services can help clients see the start, middle and end of how you work with clients to achieve success.
  • Multimedia Content: Utilise infographics, videos and interactive elements to make complex topics more accessible and easier to understand.
  • Client Testimonials: Showcase real-life success stories and testimonials to build credibility and trust.

For more about Solution/Customer-centric marketing and why it works check out our blog here.


3.     Responsive and Mobile-Friendly Design

With users accessing websites on the move via their mobile devices, your website needs to be accessible and SEO-optimised for user engagement. 

  • Mobile-First Design: Prioritise mobile usability in your initial design process.
  • Flexibility Grids and Images: Ensure your layout adapts seamlessly to different screen dimensions.
  • Touch-friendly navigation: Make sure buttons and links are easy to tap on smaller screens.
  • Cross-Device testing: Regularly test your site across various devices to ensure consistent performance.


4.     Strong Calls to Action (CTAs)

Effective CTAs drive conversions and encourage users to interact with your site, leading to increased client engagement and overall business growth. 

  • Strategic Placement: Position CTAs on the homepage, blog posts and service pages to capture user interest. Don’t make users look for these buttons – they should be somewhere obvious and easy to click.
  • Clear, Action-Oriented Language: Use phrases like “Get Started”, “Learn more” and “Sign Up Now” to prompt action. Being creative with these CTAs is encouraged – by now we’ve all seen the classic “Book Now” or “Contact Us” buttons, so getting creative can leave a good impression on visitors.
  • Visual Emphasis: Highlight CTAs with contrasting colours and bold text. If you’re having trouble deciding on a colour scheme for your brand and site, check out our blog that touches on colour theory and its impact on consumer psychology here.


Ultimately, optimising your FinTech website for user engagement involves stepping into your visitor’s shoes to ensure they can find and access everything they need effortlessly. Imagine scrolling through your site as a curious new visitor, eager to understand your technology. Can you swiftly locate clear product explanations, or are they hidden away, prompting frustrating searches – or moving away from your website? By using clear and intuitive navigation, creating content tailored for your audience and implementing strong calls to action, you can significantly enhance user experience and retain visitors. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in presenting your brand; all the components work together to drive client engagement and business growth. 


Are you looking to revamp or build your B2B FinTech website? Get in touch with one of our experts today to help you through your journey! 

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